Tag Archives: decorum

Patience. How the hell do you channel that?! Help!

RageGood morning!!

When I started this blog, it was in the attempt to begin to channel the virtues of my lovely late grandmother. I do feel like the whole healthy living thing is coming along pretty well, but I am definitely still struggling with some of the more innate qualities.

How the hell does one nurture patience?!

I am a redheaded Sagittarius, so the whole patience thing does not come naturally to me. At all. I’ve happened to have a few different situations lately that have asked for it: relationships, family, professionally… and all in the last week? Now come on, how is that fair?

I need some deep breathing exercises, or some chants, or little bells or chimes I can sound that will snap me out of my rages. Talking to my bestie, she advised that often we don’t show our moods on the outside as much as we think we do. So that’s my question of the day: how do you, out there in Internet land, how do you calm yourself down when things start wearing down your nerves??

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n. frugality; the quality of being economical with money or food.