Tag Archives: books

Snow day.

Our first day of doggy school was cancelled due to the dramatic snowstorm still raging outside. Although we were prepared to go, and Duke most docile due to last night’s rude midnight awakening after a dinner outing, it was not meant to be. I now again have 60 pounds of snore in my lap as I read a book and watch the wind and flakes whip around my house.

The house is very still and quiet. We have been given the privilege and curse of an internet free home for a week, due to a lapsed Rogers account and a prolonged wait for Teksavvy. So until between 2 and 5 this evening, I can’t do school, we can’t watch stupid tv and we can’t mindlessly browse websites for mindless content.

It is silent except for the ticking clock and the snuffly dog snores. DP has returned to bed to drowsily doze, luxuriating in his having to nowhere to be for the first time in a hectic workweek. Because of the snow, it seems pointless to get groceries. I am at the point now where I refuse to brush off the car twice for one errand. I will wait, as the rest of the city will wait, for spring.


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New Theatre of Ottawa

Inspired and inspiring theatre

20somethings Blog

Stories of men and women in their twenties

Blank Canvas Living

Dare a storied life

Bucket List Publications

Indulge- Travel, Adventure, & New Experiences

Monologues & Leaps

by Constant Ngozi

The Zen Kat

Or at least a Kat trying to be Zen

the twenty-somethings

A space for 20somethings to share, commiserate & collaborate

Geeky House Girl

just an engineer who loves a clean house


baking my way to the sweeter side....

Onions and Chocolate

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A Lady's Guide to Existence

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Meeesh's Kitchen

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The Better Man Project

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n. frugality; the quality of being economical with money or food.